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Not really a wimp.So, it is not like the boss man is really a wimp or anything like that.  He runs, walks just about every day, he lifts weights and he works out on the elliptical trainer pretty often.  It is just that, well, with a dog leash in each hand, plus other things that he carries (unmentionables), it is just that he is somewhat ineffective when it comes to protecting me.  It goes without saying that Lyle doesn't help at all, and even makes it worse by wrapping his leash around the boss man's legs.

Besides, I think that, since I am a dog and all, that I should hire one of my own kind.  So, if you know of any dog that is looking to be a body guard, please tell them to send me a pmail as soon as possible!

Darryl is too focused on the ball.Too stick focused.Some big burley dog would be okay.  But what I think might suit me best is a scrappy little dog, like maybe a Pug or a Chihuahua.  Something that won't be as much competition for my kibble.  (I don't like to share.)

So you might wonder why the sudden interest in protection.  Well, I think it might be due to my new found fame.  I am on the world wide web after all!  Well, I don't know if it is adoration gone awry, or maybe jealousy.  It is really hard to know for sure.  But I have a stalker!  I know, you might think I'm overreacting, but I'll tell you what happened and let you decide for yourselves.

The boss tells Lyle and I that we are going to wait until the afternoon for our walk today.  He says that it will be almost 50o and sunny.  Can't really argue with that now, can I. 

So we head out around 1:45 pm EST.  Sure enough, it was beautiful by our standards as of late.  So here we go, sniffing the sniffs.  Things smelled especially fine today.  Well, we just barely get on to the path by the green space and we see this woman looking into our friends' (Misty and Oreo) yard.  We think it is a little odd since they are not out there, but figure we will keep an eye on things to make sure that the strange woman is on the up and up.   Well, let me tell you, she most certainly was not! 

All of a sudden, this little white fur ball starts off after us.  The woman starts running too.  She yells "Rocky!"  Then she yells to us  "Look Out!"  Let me tell you, the boss tried to pick me up (Lyle can fend for himself pretty well) but he wasn't quick enough.  Then this deranged fan Rocky, lunges right for my neck!  Can you believe it!?!  The boss man picked me up lickety-split after that (and yes, Lyle was trying to wrap himself around the boss man to get to the whippersnapper).  Well, a few seconds later the woman that was chasing Rocky gets to us and picks him up.  She apologizes, of course, and there wasn't any harm done, but it really got me thinking.  I need a body guard that isn't physically attached to me, to follow me around and to step in and take a bite for me if necessary. 

What a bad dog Rocky is.  Bad dog Rocky.  Bad, bad dog Rocky.   I am going to pee ALL OVER your yard tomorrow! 

Well, if you know of anyone looking for a job, let me know.

Peace out,

Little Bit