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The world & the sun rotate around me!I think Pat McCurdy must have been channeling me when he wrote I Am Wonderful

Is there anything else to say?

Today is a good day.  I'm Little Bit, my bumps have gone down, and my kibble ration is going up tonight!  Life is good.

So, maybe you have heard that I've been extra hungry lately.  The bosses have been worried that feeding me too much will make me gain a lot of weight.  They say it would be bad for my joints and that I've already had two too many ACL repairs.  But let me tell you, I'm nothing if not persistent (some say stubborn).  Finally, the boss ma'am tells the boss man to weigh me because she is going to increase my kibble ration.  It turns out that with all of the "extra" (their words-not mine) food I've been getting lately, I haven't gained any weight at all.  They think that a little extra in my supper bowl will get me to stop being SO demanding.  I'll let them keep thinking that... ;-)

I'll bark at you later.

Little Bit

P.S.  The picture of the galaxy was from  I have asked for permission, but have not heard back.  If it disappears, it is because I was not welcome to use it.  I wish to respect the original copyright holders work.