I've been meaning to write for the last couple of days but time has just been
flying by.
First off, have I mentioned lately that I have the BEST NEIGHBORS EVER? I only hope they never get a dog of their own because this week they went out for a steak dinner and brought me and Lyle a doggie bag. I tell you, the bosses could learn a thing or two from their example.
Oh, and while I realize this pales in comparison, my veterinarian is pretty cool too. She'd gotten so used to the boss man calling in Little Bit updates when I wasn't feeling well that she got lonely for me now that I'm feeling better and had to email me to say hi. Unfortunately she won't have to wait long to see me in the fur as I have my next doxorubicin infusion scheduled for next Monday. Still, it is working so well that my energy is better than it has been in a long, long time. Earlier this week I went for a two mile walk! To think that I've barely made it to the end of my block and back less than a month ago. Die cancer! Die!
Also, I'm looking forward to a visit from groupies Bob & Dianna. They are heading down for a long weekend to come spoil me. Oh, and maybe go to the Rolex Kentucky Three Day Event. Mostly to spoil me though. Maybe they will bring me tasty treats. If nothing else I'm sure that I'll have a good time, um, investigating their shoes.
On a completely unrelated note, as many of you know, I publish my memoirs both on Dogster and on my website. Both entries are usually the same but I usually publish pictures to go along with my stories. Anyway, lately I've been seeing more traffic on my website and thought that the searches people used to find me were quite curious. Some are more obvious than others to me. Here is a list of search queries (and the number of times they were used) that helped people find me:
17 zebra cake
13 easter dog
3 muffintop
2 dog easter
2 dose de ccnu
2 lays chips
2 we are cute
2 wegman
1 3yo
1 backyards
1 birthdaycake
1 burrito man
1 ccnu side affects veterinary
1 cinc-
1 die cancer!
1 dog easter
1 easter dog gif
1 evil teeth
1 funny hat
1 good dog
Okay, so some of it is obvious. My story is a cancer story so I'd expect the cancer related ones. And Easter was this month so that isn't really a surprise (and I had to admit, but I was darn cute with those bunny ears). Good dog and we are cute are no brainers. I wouldn't have guessed that my birthday celebration would have made me so popular with the zebra cake people though.
Well, I guess I've been rambling. I hope you all get some steak of your own.
Little Bit