tell you, some of what passes for abstract modern art really makes me shake my
head. I'd provide examples, but I really don't want to offend anybody.
Still, with out naming names, I have to talk about my experience today.
The boss man invited this man and his wife into my house today to play the piano. For the better part of two hours Lyle and I were subjected to music (and I use that term loosely) that consisted of one note at at time. Okay, to be fair, sometimes he would play two notes an octave apart. Then his "Big Finish" was playing about four different chords going up the keyboard. I couldn't believe that the boss man actually paid to hear him.
I did my best to bark along. Especially when he was playing those high notes.
And do you think that the boss man told me that my barking was beautiful? Do you think he appreciated my music at all? Noooo, he just closed the door. Well, at least I can take comfort in knowing that my barking is rather loud and I'm sure that he could still hear me.
my reign as Dogster Dog of the Week ended on Monday. Let me tell you, it
was fun while it lasted. I had SO many rosettes and dogmails from people
telling me how much I deserved it. Well, I know that there are about
97,000 other dogs on Dogster that deserved it too, so I tried to be very
gracious. Except when I was picking on Lyle about it. But don't feel
too bad for him - when I got my celebratory ice cream, he got his own cup too.
I know you may be wondering how I'm doing these days health wise and all. Well, I'm happy to say that my bumps haven't returned and I've been feeling well. I never did get any side effects from the adriamycin, that I know about at least. I have to go see the good folks at the Animal Care Clinic for some blood work on Monday to make sure that my immune system isn't overly suppressed. If things look good, the boss man and I will be going to Milford again a week from tomorrow. Not that I'm looking forward to it or anything like that, but I'm keeping my dewclaws crossed that everything is okay and I can get on with the business of cancer killing. You know how I feel about that - Die cancer! Die!
Well, the last bit of news is that tomorrow might be the big day. I'm of course barking about getting back to a four member pack. Filipi is a nice enough dog and all, but I have a strong suspicion that some of my treats are being diverted to her. And now that her Mighty Dog is gone (and no, she didn't share any) she is getting some of my pumpkin.
Well, that is all that is on my mind tonight. I'm going to see if I can't score me some of that sweet potato that the boss man bought for me. My good friend Skye told me that sweet potatoes are good eats. And, well, you know me, if something is rumored to be good eats, I want to give it a try for myself.
I'll bark at you later.
P.S. I've been meaning to add this. Adriamycin is the trade name for Doxorubicin. Doxorubicin is an anthracycline antibiotic with broad antineoplastic activity that is obtained from a bacterium of the genus Streptomyces (S. peucetius) and is administered in the form of its hydrochloride C27H29NO11·HCl