Hi all.
I thought that maybe some of my new Dogster buddies might like a glimpse of my early life. I thought they might be surprised to know that I used to be almost all black except a little on a front toe and of course, on my lucky seven. So the next couple of diary entries will have some of that in addition to my health updates, which unfortunately, seem to be taking up more of my focus lately than I would prefer.
Back when I was a wee small pup of about 3 (six months to you two leggers), my bosses adopted me from the Charlottesville/Albemarle Society for the Prevention of the Cruelty of Animals, A.K.A. The Charlottesville pound.
They chose me because I was just about the cutest dog that ever was! Oh yeah, and maybe because they lived in an apartment and they had a 35 pound size limit. Plus, I had the most convincing pound dog act that you've every seen. When I heard that they were coming by, I stopped misbehaving and batted the most sweet and innocent dog eyes that I could muster at them. Well, of course they could not resist and they put their name on the list. See, I was a stray and the Charlottesville SPCA had a rule that strays had to wait seven days after they arrived before they could be adopted just in case they already belonged to someone else. Well they were first on the list and seven days later the boss man (as I would come to know him) signed a contract saying that he wouldn't eat me or do anything else bad to me. Let me tell you, it might sound a little weird, but I was grateful that the "Little Bit is not food" clause was in there. You just never know about some people.
Well, since I was only 13 lbs at the time and they had had a week to think it over (plus a visit or two), I was immediately named. No confusion like Norbert...or Lyle as he would later come to be known.
anyway, the boss man packs me into this little crate and puts me in the back
seat of the car. He and the boss ma'am had apparently read somewhere that
dogs should ride in crates when they are in the car. All I can say about
that is PUKE. PUKE. PUKE. Or at least that is what I told him
on that first ride home. That leads me to my first picture. Seems
that dogs that puke all over themselves get baths. I really wish I would
have known that before that first car ride! Well, as you know, I am
not a big fan of bath time. As you can see, I've never been a big
fan of bath time.
So I get clean and sweet smelling and later soft and dry. I was
irresistible. I got even by biting them. Many, many times. I
had all of my adult teeth by then, but I also had the top two puppy fangs and I
was good at using them to my advantage.
Well, that seems to have been a mistake, because less than a week later, they took me to get spayed. They told me that the SPCA contract required it (lies I'm sure). Well, when my vet called just before my first surgery (and I wish my only surgery) to ask if the bosses wanted him to pull out those puppy teeth, they said YESYESYES! I felt sooo bad afterward. It was then that I first learned that while the people that work at veterinary clinics seem like nice people, they sure can do some ouchy things to you.
And so concludes today's episode of Little Bit the Most Adorable Puppy EVER!
forward eight years, one month, one day and five hours. I'm doing okay
today. The boss ma'am spent lots of good quality time with me today after
having to work late yesterday. I'm feeling better than I did yesterday
morning but I am really lumpy and bumpy. When I stand up you can even see
that my lucky seven is all poochy. I might not be at my most beautiful on
the outside, so it is a darn good thing that I am so gorgeous on the inside!
The boss ma'am talked to Dr. Harris today and she increased my prednisone from 10 mg every other day to 20 mg every day for a while. She said that it would help me feel better and that it should help keep my tumors in check until I can see her for my new treatment Thursday at 5:00 p.m. EDT. I'm not looking forward to the visit, but I sure am looking forward to giving this spooty lymphoma a good butt kicking!
Thank you all for your prayers and support. It has been very helpful for me and my pack!
Well, it is already 5:11 p.m. EDT which means that my supper is already late. I'll bark at you later.