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Good Morning Lexington! 

Actually I'm not a morning dog.  It took a lot of thinking to get me out of my crate this morning.  I was thinking, my crate pillow and blankets are pretty comfy.  But I was having this nagging thought that I could be just a little more comfortable.   That is when I had my best idea yet today.  I thought, "The boss man's pillow is really soft."  I think it has foam AND goose feathers.   Well you can bet that I got my dog bum out of my kennel and tried it out.  Now I won't lie to you.  It WAS very soft.  Just like I remembered.  But I kept thinking, something could be just a little bit (Hey, I'm Little Bit!) better.  What I needed was an external heat source.  See the pink thing above my crate, it is a SnuggleSafe pack that my boss microwaves for 2 1/2 minutes before bedtime.  It is very nice, but as you can see, they take it out in the morning.  No, what I needed was something my friends Monica and Aaron got for me last Christmas.  I needed my heating pad.  It offers the best of everything.  It is on a bed, so it is soft. It always stays 20 degrees warmer than me, so it is warm.  And, it is in a room with a view of the street so I can bark as necessary.   The barking thing is important because today is trash and recycle day.  After the UPS and FedEx guys, the Mailman/woman and Puddles, the trash guys are my favorite people to bark at.  Well, at least favorite people to bark at that I haven't actually met.  I like barking at my friends and family too.

Oh, in case you are wondering about the cancer thing, we still haven't heard back from the Vet.  In the mean time, we are all still being hopeful.  We are living life as close to normal as we can and we are trying to live life to the fullest.  Yesterday was rawhide day.  It doesn't get any better than that.

Peace, out. 