♫♪Oh, the weather out side is frightful♫♪
Okay, it is official. I'm sick of winter. And as far as I'm concerned, that Christmas song should probably have ended after the opening line.
What is that, winter doesn't officially start until 1:35 pm EST on December 21st?
Well tell it to Mother Nature. It is darn cold outside and the ice storm Thursday night was no fun either. As I sit here this morning, it is 18oF and with the wind chill factor it feels more like 9oF. Brrrrrrr! It is looking like a good day to lay around in front of the fire if you ask me.
Okay, enough of grumpy Bit.
Good morning everyone. Can you believe it is only 15 days (well if you want to be more specific, click here) until Christmas? I tell you, the days seem to be flying by faster than ever. The good news is that my alpha dogs have finally started their holiday cooking and baking. Four batches of dog biscuits down, other tasty goodness to come. Mmmm, homemade peanut butter oat dog biscuits. Mmmmm.
As you can imagine, I am especially helpful in the kitchen. Throughout the baking (or cooking) process, it is my job to be Quality Control. If the bosses forget to give me a sample, then I have to give them the what-four. I mean, these homemade dog biscuits (Mmmmmmmm) represent me and I can't be too careful. I wouldn't want to send out a bad product and have some of my friends think they are yucky. After all, it is my duty to ensure that they are edible.
Mmmm, homemade dog biscuits.
Sorry, I had to go get a towel to clean the drool off of the keyboard.
Well, it has been a couple of days since my last chemotherapy injection and I'm afraid that it hasn't done all that it could for my back end. It seems that it is perhaps a little better, but it is definitely not completely better so it looks like I'll be moving on to CCNU next. I'll tell you about that one after it is official, but for now, I'll let you know about one of the good things about it, it comes in peanut butter! Finally, I think we are going to try one that doesn't involve anything sharp being poked into one of my legs. But still, I am not out of hope that the last dactinomycin injection won't do the trick. My bosses will call Dr. Harris sometime towards the end of next week with an update and we will know then.
yesterday I thought for sure that I'd get a bird dinner. Yesterday morning
was apparently the scheduled time for our hockberry trees to get deberried for
the season. These birds fly in (in the hundreds if not thousands) and eat
all of the berries off of the trees in a matter of an hour or two. They
get so worked up that they almost constantly bump into the windows and I thought
for sure that I would find one or five to snack on when I went out next.
But no, it seems that they are quite sturdy and all survived their knocks (which
the boss man assures me is a good thing). Either way, they left behind
lots for me and Lyle to sniff.
Well, time for me to sign off. The boss ma'am tells me that there will be muffins to beg for in a few minutes and I really do love muffins.
Have a good weekend and I'll bark at you all later.