Hidy ho friends!
I hope that you are all enjoying your holiday season.
last few days I've been keeping busy learning how to fly. Even though I
don't have the largest earspan, I feel like if I catch the wind just right I'll
have a good chance. Well, that and maybe a brief suspension of the laws of
Today I went to have my blood checked. The boss ma'am was able to go with me which I was pretty happy about. See, when the boss man takes me alone he almost always forgets to bring the bribes along. Let me tell you, a few biscuits can really go a long way towards making a trip to the veterinary clinic go much better. And if that wasn't good enough news, my blood work looked great. Not that I ever had any doubts, mind you.
Well, I have to say that it seems like some dogs are starting to make a fuss over a certain dog's birthday. Not that turning nine isn't a big deal, it is just that a lady doesn't like to call attention to her age. Still, I've heard rumors of chicken cake so I can't say that I'm not interested. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
Not much else new in Bitland so I'm going to sign off for the night. Have a great night and I'll bark at you soon.
Peace, out.