off, let me say, I'm sorry to all of my devoted fans. I know they
crave my every word. I know that they wish I could write something
clever and witty every day. But a world famous dog like me has many
demands on her time.
Friday, I had all of the usual business to take care of, plus I had a bath.
Now you know my feelings on the subject, but at least the boss man finally used
a shampoo worthy of The Bit.
Yesterday, for instance, was a very busy (and totally awesome, dudes-I was watching Finding Nemo the other day.) day. Not only did I get to take a walk in my neighborhood with my friends, Ben, Baxter and Storm, but afterwards, I went to the Kentucky Horse Park to take a second walk. I finally got to meet Fynn, plus I got to meet a new friend Max and Storm joined us again. I'm pretty sure that Fynn was a little intimidated by my stardom because he was very shy and was afraid to come and introduce himself.
Anyways, I was planning on writing when I got back from the Horse Park, but I was beat and could only beg for prosciutto before totally crashing on the couch. I can tell you that I slept very well last night.
Now, if you are Rocky, Puddles or any other deranged fan, that is all I have for today.
Peace out.
Little Bit
Okay for everyone else, I have more to say.
I was at the Horse Park, I had an idea. Now that I have deranged fans to
look out for, I been feeling a little conspicuous while out on my daily walks.
Actually, it was Fynn's idea, albeit, an idea in the rough. He suggested
that I could go around incognito if I used a disguise! Of course, his idea
of a disguise left a little something to be desired. Not that I have
anything against hiding my scent, but dressing up as a horse apple leads to a
second bath in two days. While the horse angle is not something I've
tried, I can tell you that in no uncertain terms, alpha dogs do NOT like that
kind of disguise.
So anyway, after a few tweaks, I thought I would try to dress up as a different famous dog. I thought that, okay, I do like some attention, but if I dressed as a Great Dane, then the lunatics would be afraid to mess with me. I mean, who in their right mind would mess with a Great Dane? I added a some Hello Kitty sunglasses, for a touch of whimsy, to my disguise. I think it is pretty effective, but I haven't tried it out in public yet.
I didn't think it would do any good to disguise myself but let my traveling
companion dress as normal. Even silly dogs like Rocky and Puddles would be
able to infer that the Great Dane walking with Lyle was Little Bit in disguise.
So I made him dress up as well. He doesn't pull it off quite as well as I
do, but then again, he is not Little Bit.
Well, I guess I should go and test my disguise. It is supposed to rain all day and it doesn't seem too bad now, so I need to head out.
a great day.
Little Bit.