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It was  a good day for sniffing.

I'm a happy dog.  My dog walk was about 55o and sunny and it wasn't windy.  More importantly, the bosses were not in their usual hurry today and we took about an extra twenty minutes to really enjoy the day.  My nose was working overtime.  But it was a good kind of work.  Like I said, I'm a happy dog.

Also, I am happy dog because (keep your dewclaws crossed), I don't have to go to see Dr. Hathorn for two weeks!  I had my latest vincristine injection yesterday and now I'm on the every other week schedule for a while.   Although, I'm a little concerned for all of the good people at the clinic.  I'm sure that they will miss me.  I am certain that I must be the highlight of their weeks. 

In case you are wondering, I continue to do well with my chemotherapy.  I am, thankfully, not starving quite as much as I was during the beginning of my treatment.  That is a very good thing because I will be on the every other day prednisone for a whole year.  That is a VERY LONG TIME to be hungry.

Well, I think I might be ready for a nap.  Have a great weekend and I'll bark at you later.

Little Bit