used to think of January 16 as my boss man's father's birthday (Happy Birthday
Then, when I was a little older, I realized that sometimes it is also Martin
Luther King Day (Happy MLK Day everyone). But from today on, I always
think fondly of it as Little Bit Day (Festive Little Bit Day everyone).
Oh, I try to be humble about it. But it just makes a dog feel so special to know that out of 131,411 dogs, I was chosen to be the Dogster DOG OF THE DAY!
Secretly, I think that they would make me DOG OF THE DAY everyday if it wouldn't start some sort of uprising. I'm just so lovable. So adorable.
Okay, enough of that. You know I'm just kidding, right?
I really want to take this opportunity to thank Dogster not only for naming
me Dog of the Day, but for working so hard to provide this great place.
I've made so many good pup pals here from around the country and from around the
world. It makes a dog like me, feel so cosmopolitan.
So today I go back to the veterinary clinic to have more blood work done. If everything looks peachy then I'll head back there on Thursday to get my next infusion. I'll let you know how that goes.
Well, I'm off to get some breakfast. Thanks again Dogster!