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It's been a long time since I've been in the truck...Okay.  Does this mean we won't go for six weeks?So I invited this dog named Filipi to share my house for six weeks or so.  I thought some things would change, others would be the same.  As it turns out, she doesn't really have a lot of energy and she likes to lay around the back yard or in the living room.  No big deal there.  In the mornings, the boss man takes Filipi and me alone for our daily walk.  Since neither of us are in a hurry, that suits me just fine.  The Whigle gets to go later (when it is warmer) at the Little Bit, the good dog!faster pace that he likes.

One thing I would not have seen coming though, is the alarming lack of road trips that I've been on since she arrived.

Now, I'm not talking about going to the vet clinic.  My next visit isn't scheduled for another three months.  (Hooray!)  No.  What alarms me is that I haven't been for a Blizzard since June 18, 2005.  And it has been great weather for a Blizzard treat!  Tonight isn't looking good either.  I don't know if it is her fault or not, but I sure hope that something changes soon.

Oh, by the way, if you are wondering how she is fitting in - she is doing just fine.





Thank you Skye and Nina!TThank you Basil and Barbara!he other thing that I need to bark about is how great my friends Skye, Basil and their packs are.  They sent us a care package that included awesome bandanas and wormy toys.  They even sent something for Filipi too!  It was really good to be able to put a smell with their names and faces!




Wormies are fun...

Well, that's about all I've got for today. 

I'll bark at you later.

Little Bit

especially when you use them to pick on Lyle!