Happy Birthday Old Man!
Oops, I mean Happy Birthday Boss Man!
yesterday the bosses started me on the prednisone and I'm feeling pretty good
today. Also, yesterday they started me on braunschweiger. Let me
tell you, as a dog, there may be no finer food source in ALL THE WORLD. No
this is not overstating its importance. Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmmmmmm,
braunschweiger. Let me also say it is on sale two for $3.00 at Kroger.
Send your people out now to stock up.
Okay, now I realize not all of you might have heard of this German delicacy. Some of you might know of it as liverwurst. Let me just list the ingredients for you so you can judge for yourself. Pork liver, pork fat, bacon, blah, blah, blah. I'd go on but after those first three ingredients, do I really need to? Again, I have to repeat, send your people out NOW. Tell them to look in the prepackaged lunch meat cooler. And no, you don't have to thank me.
Oh, also yesterday was Diary Queen night. Mmm, ice cream.
And if all that wasn't enough, today I got a package in the mail from my good friend Angus. Woo Woo! He said that he wanted to put a smile on my and my pack's faces. Well it worked. Even if the package contents weren't enough to do the trick (and they most certainly were), the look on the mailman's face when he said he had a package for Ms. Little Bit and the boss man told him that was me (I was in the boss's arms at the time) was priceless. I wish the boss had his camera at the time so I could share it with all of you. So thank you very much Angus and all of your pack!
Well, that's about all I have time for today. Have a great day and I'll bark again soon.