I can't begin to say what a great afternoon it was. It was everything a
small dog could hope for.
First off, we finally had a perfect day meteorologically speaking. It was about 70oF and sunny. Yeah baby!
So, in weather like that, I would have enjoyed any old walk - I mean who wouldn't? But instead, the bosses had a surprise for me. They took me to the Kentucky Horse Park! Bark! Bark! Bark! (Sorry, I couldn't help myself, I get excited again just thinking about how wonderful it was.)
Of course, the company was great. My bosses were there with me and Lyle. Also, we met up with some of our friends and their pack (Alaydas and Fynn). (Sorry if I spelled your name wrong guys, I guess I've never seen it in writing before.)
So then I found this really interesting, um, trailer to roll next to. Rolling in good smells makes me so happy. I'd call it a guilty pleasure, except that I don't feel a bit guilty!
Then we saw all sorts of strange things. We saw a Zedonkey for one.
Who would have ever thought that a donkey and a zebra would even get a chance to
meet, much less, have a baby together? Unfortunately, he was a little shy
and was hiding behind the fence.
Then we saw some of the shortest horses I've ever seen before. They weren't much bigger than Lyle! Of course they had some of the regular sized horses too. Wow, I had so much fun.
the afternoon did have its down side too. We didn't get home until an hour
past my dinner time. I was pretty hungry, but I let it slide this time.
Well, I really need to take a nap now. I'm really dog tired (he, he).
Peace, out.
Little Bit