Okay, first things first, Happy Birthday Boss Ma'am! You are the best
boss ma'am a dog could have and I love you.
Secondly, how come I didn't get a piece of cake?
So, long time no bark. I've been on vacation and before that I'd been running around like a crazy dog trying to get ready. You know how it goes, making sure the biscuits are packed. Making sure the food is packed. Taking a nap because the thought of 1000 miles in five days tires you out. Making sure your leash is packed. Another nap... Well anyway you get the idea.
again me and the pack made the journey to the artic circle, or Milwaukee, WI to
be more precise. It was a magical time filled with (in order of
appearance) Butter Burgers, fried cheese curds, frozen custard, daily fresh
home-made croissants, chicken and noodles, chicken parmesan, cheese and
crackers, peanut butter and crackers, marshmallows. Well, I could go on
and on, but you probably get the idea.
So you might think I was in heaven. Well, typically that would be true, but I'm afraid to say that this new chemo drug has done a number on my taste buds. All of those things are wonderful and I full well know that. Unfortunately, to paraphrase the boss ma'am grandma, nobody tells you that chemotherapy affects the tasters too.
Which isn't to say that I didn't have a nice visit. It was so good to visit with the bosses extended pack. It has really been a long time and I did my best to catch up with all the latest news and smells. All in all, it was a very nice trip. But now I'm happy to be home.
Well, that about wraps it up for me today. I'll bark more soon.
Little Bit