Bark, bark everyone. I was reading up on the origins of Mexico's Cinco de Mayo celebration. It is interesting stuff.
Seth is back in my thoughts. Not just because he is a Chihuahua and today
is a Mexican holiday either. No, today I'm barking about Seth because his
alpha dogs asked if he could join our pack if something happened to them.
Well, of course we hope that fate never conspires to take his alpha dogs away
from him, but if it happens, we would want to see to it that he has a good home.
As a member of this pack, I can attest to it's quality (or maybe it is a good
pack to be in because of me). Either way, I'm sure that we'd have fun
That got me thinking, I hope alpha dogs everywhere have taken the time to
make similar arrangements for their loved ones. Us dogs (and other
animals) don't like to think that someday our alpha dogs won't be there for us.
Still, it is important for
to know that if something does happen, that we will be taken care of.
I'll get down now.
I've known my boss man for almost my entire life. I thought that I knew him pretty well.
Yesterday, he did something that I didn't understand. Not only did I not understand, but I found it very disturbing.
So yesterday the boss ma'am comes home from work. And as usual, I get
my typical reward for keeping the house and boss man safe for her while she is
gone. Sometimes the rewards are biscuits or they could be bacon or
Anyway, you get the idea.
Well, Lyle is in the backyard. He is happy. I am happy not having to share my hard earned reward. We are in my office and I'm finishing off some of those pesky broken biscuits (don't you hate it when there are broken ones in the box? I can help!). Well, then you will never guess what the boss man did. He opened the window and tossed a biscuit out to Lyle. I just couldn't believe it. I looked everywhere trying to see if he was just pretending and really left it for me to find (which would have been a most excellent game). But I think he really did it. We had such a good thing going. Doesn't he know that for Lyle, being in the backyard is enough of a treat that you don't have to give him biscuits? They should ALL go to me!
I mean, really! Why would he do that?
Well, I guess I've barked enough for one day.
¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo!
Little Bit