If you do a search for "shoe" in the iTunes music store, there are 150 entries. And the iTunes library isn't an all inclusive library. They only have some of the most popular entries.
Now, just because other people obsess with shoes doesn't mean that I feel 100% sure about telling you this. But here it goes anyway.
I like shoes.
There I said it. I feel better already.
felt this way as long as I can remember. Even as a puppy I've always had
this irresistible urge to put my nose as far down in them as I can and take a
BIG, DEEP breath. Oh, and the older the better. Here I am checking
out a new pair of sneakers. I don't usually like to do that for the
camera. Just before this picture I had my nose in the most delightfully
smelly old and worn out shoes you can imagine.
Also, when no one is looking, I like to sneak into the bosses closet and rub my ears in the boss ma'am's boots. That's right. Sometimes smelling just isn't enough and I have to rub my ears around in them so that I can bring a little of that joy around with me where ever I go.
I love when other people come to visit. Don't get me wrong, I love my bosses and I love their shoes (especially the boss ma'am's shoes). But after I give guests the proper greeting that they deserve (or is that the other way around?), I like to steal away to check out their shoe offering. You can learn so much about a person by careful examination of the shoes they wear. Mayhap you should try it sometime.
So next time you come to visit, please take your shoes off and carefully put them out of sight so that I can check them out with a little bit of privacy. Oh, and don't worry, I'm a very good dog. I would NEVER, EVER think about doing anything to your shoes that you would be mad at me for.
Little Bit