After what seemed like a long break, spring has returned to Kentucky. I
tell you, nights like this I could bark and bark. People are out.
Dogs are out. The woodchucks are out. So much for a little dog to
bark at. Which in and of itself is cause for celebration. But the
real pleasure of nights like this is that Lyle and I wear down the bosses with
all our barking which leads to RAWHIDE QUIET TIME! Yeah Baby!!! And
I'm still working on that little smoked number that Skye sent me earlier this
month. Personally I think I could eat it all in one chewing but the bosses
insist that that much rawhide would make me pukey. Oh well, at least I got
a good 45 minutes with it this evening.
So as you may know, yesterday was my three week mark from my last chemo and I
was due for another infusion. Well, after a bit of fretting, I ended up
going on Sunday to have it taken care of. Seems it isn't working quite as
well as we all hoped so Dr. Hathorn is going to talk with my oncologist again to
see if there are any stones left unturned. I'll keep you posted. For
the time being I'm feeling fine which is, of course, the most important thing.
On a more exciting note, I have to say I am so proud of my neighbor, Nikita. As I mentioned earlier, the woodchucks are out and they must be twitterpated or something because they are not very smart. Anyway, Nikita (a beautiful boxer), actually cornered one in her yard. She had that little bugger shaking in its boots. Well, it wasn't actually wearing boots (which also would have been something to see), but it was shaking all right. Eventually the boss ma'am spoiled the fun though because once she realized what the excitement was about she distracted Nikita and allowed the little groundhog to go back to his hidey hole. For her excellence in rodent capture (without actually hurting it), I think she deserves a gold star.
Well, I really need to get back to my barking. Have a great night and good luck if you are doing the Dogster Scavenger Hunt!
Peace, out.
Little Bit