hope you all had as good of a Thanksgiving as I did. The bosses (and
especially the boss ma'am) really did a nice job preparing a feast for me and
Lyle. There was turkey (Mmm, turkey), sweet potatoes (Mmm, sweet
potatoes), spinach (Mmm, cheesy spinach), grits (Mmm, cheesy goodness), salad
(waste of tum space - I didn't bother), oatmeal rolls (Mmm, bread), pumpkin roll
(Mmm, pumkin with cream cheese frosting), ice cream (Mmm, creamy peanut butter
goodness). Not to mention appetizers. Plus I had four guests over so
my begging was especially effective. Wow. What a good day that was.
Well, I have to make it short today, but I just wanted to give you all an update on my progress. Since my last injection on Tuesday, my lymph nodes have disappeared, my tusks are pretty much gone and my bum is getting better (but still isn't quite back to normal). I really appreciate all of the prayers and support that you have all given me in helping me though this latest round!
Well, I have to sign off now. It seems that typing at the computer isn't generally regarded as one of the ways for me to be a good hostess. Have a great weekend and I'll bark at you later.