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The boss ma'am was the clicky one for a change.

Where does all of the time go?  I haven't barked in half a month!

First things first.  Congratulations Basil for what I'm sure was the worlds BEST Chicken Dance!  And for his mom & dad too.  Me and the pack are very happy for them!

Well, if you are like me, then at least part of it goes by fast when you are on vacation, with my whole pack. On vacation, with my whole pack.  Two miles down the road and the boss man yells "Lyle if you don't stop that gosh darn whining I'm turning around right now..." Oh wait, that is something else.

As you may know, the pack and I went to Gatlinburg, TN this past week to rest and relax in the Smokey Mountains.  We hiked a little (the bosses more than me and Lyle), ate a little ice cream (he, he), ate some taffy.  Read, napped, watched some movies.  Well, it was good.  It was real good. 

While we were there we learned that "What Happens in Gatlinburg, Stays in Gatlinburg."  I had always thought that that was a Las Vegas saying (all the sin and stuff that happens there), but I guess it pertains to Gatlinburg too.  Probably because people (and dogs) don't want to admit how much they ate while they were there.  But hey, hiking is good exercise right?  Well, I'll have to talk it over with my legal staff before going into any more details.  I don't want to violate any Gatlinburg rules.

So that is it for now.  I promise to write some more later this week and I might even be able to share some more vacation stories.  I'll also have to bark about this nice guy named Alan that wrote a song about me.  Maybe you've heard it.

Well, I'm off to go beg for some of those left over muffins from breakfast.  Wish me luck!

Little Bit