my nights on the bed coming to an end?
Do they really think they could sleep better if I was in my crate?
And even if I was in my crate, do they think that I'll be far enough away that they won't be effected by the explosions?
These are the thoughts that have been going through my head since 5:00 a.m. EDT.
There are different theories as to what may be the cause of the problem. Sweet potato. New biscuits. Pumpkin. New vitamin supplements. Well, I don't know, but my theory is that while it may be the vitamins, it is more likely due to something lacking in my diet recently. Like ice cream. Or rawhide. Or chicken.
Well, whatever the cause, let me tell you I have been duly alarmed every time it has happened for the past several nights. On more than one occasion the boss man has had to take me outside in the middle of the night. Oh, and before you ask, if I could have taken care of it before bedtime, I would have taken care of it. It is all just so unexpected.
The bosses say that if it were just the "event" that they could deal with it. See, the problem is that it frightens me and I have to scurry away (with honor, of course). I need a little reassurance. Then I'm afraid that it will happen again and I can't get back to sleep. Today I continued to toss and turn (with a lot of groans the bosses say) for 45 minutes. Finally the boss ma'am got up with me so that the boss man could get some sleep. Then the boss man got up at 7:00 a.m. EDT so that the boss ma'am could get some sleep. They are so worried about their precious sleep when it is my comfort that they should be thinking about.
So you can see why I might be worried for my continued slumbering comfort. Well, okay, my crate is pretty comfy with a pillow and two blankets - but it isn't the bosses bed. And we all know that is where I really belong.
Well, before I sign off, I thought I'd give you a quick Lyle update. His shot has made a big difference and it doesn't seem like he will be continuing his transformation to furless freedom. Or at least, not quite yet.
Well, I was up early so I think I'll go take a little nap. Have a great weekend!