Bark, bark, bark!
Sorry, I got a little distracted - it is trash day.
off, I want to say thanks to Seth's alpha dogs for sending me a picture of him.
As I've mentioned, I new him only by smell so it is good to put a face behind
the name. Also, I have to mention that it looks like he has a very snappy
Today, thankfully, the weather is getting back to normal. That dreaded white stuff is gone and it is already warming up nicely. We are looking to get into the mid 60s today so I'm pretty happy about that. I had a very rare day off from walking yesterday and I'm sure that all of my friends around the block are wondering where I was yesterday. I'll have a lot of pmail to catch up on so the bosses had better not be in a hurry!
I'm a little disappointed in the boss ma'am today. After breakfast (which they didn't share nearly enough with me), the boss man and I went up to check our email (I didn't have any). Well, imagine my surprise when I hear (yes my hearing is superb) that the boss ma'am was feeding Lyle without me! Well, I just couldn't believe my ears, so I went to the top of the stairs so that I could look her in the eye when she came up. The look on her face confirmed my greatest fears. She HAD fed Lyle without me. I thought she understood that it is okay to feed me without Lyle, but never, ever is it okay to do it the other way around. Well, I thought maybe she would set things right, but when she came up she fed me a little something-something, but she gave some to Lyle too. I guess everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Of course, it probably goes without saying, that since I am a dog and all, that I forgave her right away. Us dogs love unconditionally, you know. ♪Oh how I love boss ma'am...♫
Well, I'm off to snuggle up with my boss ma'am. Have a great day!
Little Bit