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If they think this Easter bunny is going to bring them chocolate eggs then they are sadly mistaken.

Sometimes I just don't know what gets into my alpha dogs.  They say they love me.  They say they want me to be happy and healthy. Then they dress me up like this...

So I wanted to give you all an update on how I've been doing.  When I last wrote on Saturday, I mentioned that things were looking up after a bad day on Friday.  Well, I continued to feel well throughout the weekend.  My appetite was back.  My energy was back.  My bumps were down.  Life was good. 

Then yesterday morning I went to get my infusion of doxorubicin (Die cancer!  Die!).  Okay, so I understand the importance of getting this drug.  And it doesn't make me feel too bad except for a bit of  queasiness three or four days out.  But what really hurts, what I just can't understand, is why would they eat breakfast without me?  They know I'm hungry.  They know I like Great Harvest Bread.  So why would the drop me off (on an empty stomach no less) then pick up something I would have wanted to share with them?

Okay, maybe I'm feeling a bit sassy today.  Maybe a bit full of myself.

The truth is that I'm feeling good.  My bumps are continuing to go down.  My eye looks so much better.  My energy is great.  I even tried to convince Lyle to do a little rough housing this morning.  Life is good.

Today I sign off with a poem from my friend Angus the Warrior:

Spring hath sprung!
And winter fled.
‘Tis time to dig
In the flower bed.

Time to run,
Twirl and dance.
Around the yard,
Without a backward glance.

At February’s frost,
Or March’s gloom.
Spring is here!
Let the flowers bloom.

Let us fling worms,
And roll in mud.
Smell the flowers,
And eat every bud.

Peace, out.
Little Bit