Boy, was it ever a tough week. First, I was at the end of the chemo
cycle and as I've mentioned, the CCNU didn't put me in remission so towards the
end of the cycle my tumors were growing big again and I was feeling puny.
But while the tumors were growing, I was still feeling the side effects and as
Lyle would say, I tossed my cookies more than once. I know I've said it
before, but cancer stinks.
Then, as if that wasn't enough, the boss man said I needed a bath! The nerve of him!!! Okay, it is possible that I actually needed one this time. I don't really like to talk about such things, but I'll make an exception this time. See, some dogs (like Lyle) don't mind being dirty. Some (again like Lyle) actually take a certain amount of pride in being dirty and smelly. Well, I was never that kind of dog (with only a few "unmentionable" exceptions). I always liked to be clean. Not to be bathed, but I generally try to stay out of the mud and I keep myself looking presentable. Well, anyway, while on CCNU, not only was I pukey, but I was having problems from the other end too. Which was messy. Which is really embarrassing. But anyway, I needed a bath and I got one.
with all of that going on, my right eye started getting all red and swollen.
Well, the boss man has thought for a while that my eye got irritated when my
bumps got big and this time Dr. Hathorn saw it and agreed that my cancer is most
likely in my eye too. Cancer really stinks.
Oh, yeah, and I've mentioned it before but nothing tasted good.
So finally Friday rolls around and I'm scheduled to go to see Dr. Hathorn for the usual blood work followed by my injection of l-aspariginase. Now if you are a faithful reader, you might remember that I had an injection of l-aspariginase back in January 2005. It seems that cancer cells don't make asparagine and if you take it away then they die. Sounds good. But it isn't something that you can get very often. Anyway, it had been long enough so I got that and I'll follow that up with an Adriamycin infusion on Monday. Sound familiar? Well, I got that drug last summer but this time I'll be getting a much higher dose. Oh, and in case you are wondering, my blood work looked fine and my buffy coat profile was as beautiful as usual.
Well, I have to say that killing off tumor cells is VERY HARD WORK and I had a horrible day yesterday. I felt very pukey and very tired. After a very long day I was very happy to go to bed. Oh, and Die cancer! Die!
Then today. Still Die cancer! Die!
Well, I'm so happy to report that things are looking up again. My eye
looks a little better.
bumps are a bit smaller. My stomach isn't doing any jumping jacks.
I'm hungry and things are starting to taste good again. I've been refusing
my C/D prescription diet now for just over a month now and today even it tasted
good again. So did scrambled eggs. So did turkey. So did
oatmeal. So did chicken. So did noodles. So did vegetables.
So did rawhide. Okay, it may sound like I'm trying to make up for lost
time today (did I mention that I was down to 24.4 lbs at my weigh in yesterday?)
but rest assured friends, it is all in moderation. I've been going with
the small, frequent eating plan today just to be safe.
And if the food thing wasn't enough (which I can't stress enough is a HUGE improvement), then my friend Oreo sent her alpha dog over with toys to help cheer me up. Seems the bosses ran into him yesterday and mentioned that I was feeling puny and they bought me a get well gift. That was sooo thoughtful of them. I am so very lucky to have such wonderful friends. Even with everything else that goes on, I know that I am truly a blessed dog.
that about wraps it up. I had a big day today and it's getting late so I'm
going to head to bed. My standards are starting to slip and I'm starting
to do things I wouldn't normally do. In fact, had the boss man not taken a
picture, I would never have believed it.
So good night my friends. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Little Bit
P.S. Die cancer! Die!