Ho Bit fans.
It has been a while since I've barked at you so I thought I'd say hi.
It has been a good week so far. Being Dog of the Week has it's share of responsibilities of course, but it has had it's perks too. Dairy Queen one day, Frosty Paws another. New tasty, tasty treats from Petsmart yesterday. All good.
Still, there are times when I am hungry (like now for instance) and there are no extra treats to be had. Then, depending on where the bosses are at at the time, I will have to start my vigil until it is eating time again. If the pack is hanging out in the office upstairs, then this is the closet that I have to wait at. As you can see, I am a LOOONNNNGGGG way away from being able to help myself. And as if the door opener isn't high enough (too high really), you should see the shelf that my biscuits live on. I'll never have a chance.
♪ Oh, tasty dog biscuits, so high on the shelf
Hiding inside of the closet
I'm not tall enough to reach you myself
So near, and yet so very far♪
I do what I can, mind you. I think that I am very clear in telling the bosses what I want. I sit by my closet and give a soft bark to get their attention. Then I point at where they need to go to get what I want. They seem to be smart enough. I don't understand what the problem can be.
the pack decides to hang out down stairs (the main level). That can be
trickier because they are less likely to be in the room where my food/treat
closet is. Great if they are in the kitchen, because then I can again, be
plain. If they are in the other room though, then I have to get creative.
Of course, there is the relatively straight forward "Come Here" bark where I just continue looking at the closet and bark really loud. One of my favorites though, is to pretend like I'm protecting the house from the "big bad." In this scenario, I bark like someone is coming to break into the house. The bosses will usually come to investigate then I lead them back to my closet for my "reward." A classic.
Well, as you know, I'm hungry. I could bark on and on, but I really need to get down to my supper bowl. Have a great evening! I'm keeping my dewclaws crossed for some rawhide tonight!