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Look ma'am, no more bumps!

Well, let me just say, after having such a lousy week last week, today things just couldn't be more different. 

The big news is that the adriamycin did its job and my bumps are gone.  Not just smaller, but the boss ma'am can't feel them at all!  Not only that, my energy level has skyrocketed.  I'm back to taking my daily walks, but I also have plenty of energy left to pick fights with Lyle.  What fun!

So like I said, life is good.

Then BAM!  My inbox is getting flooded with email!  And the first one says that I'm the Dogster Dog of the Week!  Can you believe it?  It's like icing on the cake!  Mmmm, cake!

Molly Golightly must be just about the nicest person that I've never met to have chosen me out of 95,683 other deserving dogs!  Well, maybe 95,682 - I probably do deserve it more than Lyle.   Thank you Ms. Golightly!!!!

Speaking of, Lyle couldn't really care less.  He didn't even bother to lift his head up when the boss ma'am told him the news.  The bosses are real happy for me though.  They said that to celebrate such an honor, I will get to go to Dairy Queen every night and have my own cup of ice cream.  Or at least that is what I heard.   Mmmm, ice cream.   Yeah baby!  Probably since Lyle didn't care about my honor he should just stay home.

Well, I've got to get back to my email.  Being Dog of the Week has its responsibilities you know.  It wouldn't be polite if I didn't reply to everyone.

Have a great night everyone!

Little Bit