First off, I'd like to say thanks to Groupie Bob for sending me a copy of the first picture ever taken of Little Bit. The other day I was barking about my humble origins at the Charlottesville/Albemarle SPCA. The picture on the right was taken during one of the visits the bosses made to me while we were waiting for my seven day waiting period to expire. They never could have imagined how many problems I would later have, but I am confident that they would have chose me. I mean to bark, of course they would choose me again even knowing what they know. I'm just that wonderful of a dog.
as a puppy, I loved rawhide. Tonight as
I sit here typing, all I can think is Mmmm,
rawhide. And also, Boss Ma'am, won't you please give me
rawhide? I love it sooo much.
I've always loved it sooo much.
And so concludes today's episode of Little Bit the Most Adorable Puppy EVER!
Well, as you know, I went to Milford, OH yesterday with the boss man to visit Dr. Harris. She gave me a shot of Benadryl. Boy o boy is that a sleepy maker! Of course, she gave me that to decrease the risk of having a reaction because she also gave me an infusion of adriamycin. If all goes well (and it had better!), the bumps should be gone by the end of the weekend. Then starting next week I'll start tapering off of the hungry-maker (prednisone). Thank goodness for that. I'll go back to Milford, OH again for a second and third dose after three and six weeks.
So, after that, I plan to be completely cancer free. My plan is to NEVER, EVER have cancer again. It turns out that having cancer is kind of a bummer. Trips to the vet, bad furdos (they shaved my leg even though I told her that I don't like the shaved leg look), feeling bad. Anyway, you get the picture. Cancer sucks! My advice to all of you reading this is avoid getting cancer in the first place. You'll save yourself a LOT of hassle and your pack a lot of worry, not to mention a bunch of money that you could otherwise have spent on a whole lot of rawhide and greenies.
Speaking of greenies, just as I was getting hungry this afternoon (well okay, I was already hungry), the UPS guy comes and delivers my first ever package of greenies. I've been reading about how wonderful they are from a lot of dogs on Dogster. Turns out that they are really tasty. But they are kind of like Cheeze-its, you have to get your own box ('cause I don't want to share).
Well, that's about all I've got for today. My energy is already starting to come back and tomorrow I plan on taking my first walk after about a week and a half of being on injured reserve. That and if you are reading this boss ma'am, I'd sure like a rawhide tonight!