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Taking matters into my own paws.There is apparently a shortage of body guards here in central Kentucky.  I have not received even one serious pmail about my opening.  What is a dog to do???

First tell them to Back Off!Well, as much as I would rather have someone else fight my battles, I realize that maybe I just need to be more self reliant.  In that regard, I have started taking self-defense lessons. 

My sensei tells me that the first thing I need to do is to try to talk myself out of the situation.  Failing that, I need to tell them in an aggressive voice to Back Off! 

Get down here you big lug!While I am not in the ankle biter division, I am no big dog either.   One of the first things that I have to do is to get my "attacker" down to my level.  Verbal assaults followed up by showing my vicious pearly whites can usually do the trick.

Pounce next to them as a display of force.

Once down on my level, my sensei tells me that you can further intimidate them by pouncing down just barely missing their head.  Sometimes this can frighten them into submission and completely avoid further conflict escalation.  Again, avoiding the battle is always the best course of action. 

Boss man, you need to wash behind the ears too!In the end, sometimes you just have to be willing to fight.  I hope that I'll never have to use these lessons on Rocky or any other deranged fan.  I am not a bad dog and I always want to give peace a chance.  But just the same, I feel safer knowing that if things get out of hand again, that I'll be able to take care of my pack.

Peace out.

Little Bit