thing about this cancer, I thought I was golden. Since I have been
diagnosed, the bosses have, perhaps, treated me a little better than normal.
Granted, they have always spoiled me, but they were really making a point to
appreciate me to the fullest. I was pretty happy about that. More
snacks, sleeping on the bed most nights, more snacks... Anyway you get the
got to the point that I thought I could do no wrong. I was their little
angel doggy.
Well, let me tell you, the boss man told me otherwise today. And he didn't hold back.
It all started about 1:30 pm EST. The boss told me and Lyle that he had a couple of errands that he needed to take care of. He said that we should go outside and take care of business before biscuit time.
No problem there. We like outside. We really like biscuits. Mmmm, biscuits.
as an aside, if you know me, you know that I LOVE kids. I love getting pet
by them and any treats they might have are a bonus.
So anyway, we get out there and I notice the neighbor lady two houses down is out with her two young children. I think to myself, they probably want to say hi to me, so I start to run over to them. Well, crazy boy Lyle thinks that I am chasing a rabbit or something, so he starts up his sonic blaster (he was on a leash so he couldn't join chase-not that he particularly likes children anyway). Well, the boss reminded me that I wasn't invited to go say hello and that I should get my cute little bum back in my own yard. Being a very good dog, I did just that.
I should have left well enough alone. I know I should have.
Well, I take care of business and while I am busy, I notice some cat unmentionables nearby. I couldn't help myself.
Next thing I know the boss is picking me up and putting me straight in the bath tub. I said, but boss man, I JUST HAD a bath not even two weeks ago. Tough patooties he says. Early baths are what happens to dogs that show such a severe lack of judgment.
So now I am a gorgeous dog again. So sad. And to make matters worse (much worse) he didn't even give me my after bath Naw Some! So very sad.
On another note, Dr. Hathorn called today. She consulted with Dr. Harris in Cincinnati and called to tell us that Dr. Harris was very pleased with my progress and that I should start my Leukeran today. It makes me feel relieved to know that so many people are working to make sure that I stay healthy.
Well, I had a big day. I'm off to enjoy a little something-something.
Peace out.
Little Bit