time no bark (or so I've been told).
Actually, I've been meaning to write for some time. See last time I wrote I mentioned that I'd be starting a new chemotherapy agent and I know that my friends and relations would be eager to hear that it is working with minimal side effects. Sill, I'm a bad dog and it took me a full week after taking my first dose of CCNU to write. Sorry.
Well, you might be wondering how my therapy is progressing. Truth be
told, I'm wondering too. See, when I started the CCNU I had been
feeling well and the bosses couldn't feel any lumps. Still, there was that
pesky hinder-ender problem. Well, fast forward a week and there are no
lumps to be felt. The bum, well, not much change there either. Maybe
a little improvement if I'm feeling optimistic. Certainly not any worse.
But still, if it takes four to six weeks for my white count to bottom out, then
it likely that it will take a while for the cancer to completely die too.
Right? Die cancer! Die! Either way, another watchful waiting week
for me. Next Thursday I'll sneak in to the Animal Care Clinic for a blood
draw then I'll hightail it out of there while they are working on it and wait at
home for a phone call to let me know the results. FWIW, I sometimes to go
into the veterinary office lowtailed, but I always leave hightailed.
Then on Friday I'll take my next dose.
Last Saturday was a good day. I got some RAWHIDE baby! It was looonnnnnggggg overdue. Oh, then I got some prosciutto Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Mmm, Italian ham. I tell you, everyday should be prosciutto day.
I guess that about wraps it up for today. I'll do my best to write again soon. Oh, and I'm working on a little movie clip to share with all of you. I'll just say, I'm adorable. You will say it too.
Have a great night everyone and have a wonderful weekend!
Peace, out.
Little Bit