Happy Groundhog Day!
As a terrier, groundhog day is one of my favorite holidays. I mean, come on, we are celebrating rodents and what self respecting terrier doesn't get worked up when they see one of those in their back yard. For the record, I understand that he saw his shadow today. Apparently the official woodchuck doesn't live in Lexington because if he did, the only way he would have saw his shadow is if someone had a spot light on him.
Oh, and Happy Birthday Lyle!
May you get all of the chicken and ice cream you want. And my you have the good manners to share with me.
Mmm, chicken. Mmm, ice cream.
Of course, I don't know if he is even going to make it until dinner time. It is barely 2:30 pm EST and, well, I'll just let the picture speak for itself.
As for me, I'm feeling pretty good today. In fact, some might even say I'm down right spunky. All I can say to them is mmm, woodchuck; mmm, chicken; mmm, ice cream. Well, let's just say I have a lot to look forward to today.
remember how I said that I thought I'd be off the hook this semester because the
boss man is taking a people photography class? Can you believe that for
the first assignment he had the nerve to include me in his picture? I
swear, it is like he read my diary and included me just out of spite. Oh
well, at least I look more dignified than some other dog that had his
picture made today. He he he.
Well, that about wraps it up for today. Tomorrow I'm going to start on my new drug CCNU. I'll take two pills before bed (and well after I've last eaten) and hope that it takes care of that nasty old cancer once and for all. Die cancer! Die! I'll let you know how it goes.
Have a great afternoon everyone! I hope you all get a groundhog today!