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Doesn't have to deal with the cold so it is okay that it blooms now.I hope you don't regret that bloom, Mr. Crocus.Spring is teasing us here in the Bluegrass state.  Yesterday it was 50o and sunny.  This morning it was sunny and 45o (and thankfully Rockyless).  The daffodils and crocuses are coming out of the ground.  Life is good.  Or so I thought.

This afternoon it is cold and gray again.  They are talking about more winter weather this weekend.  Yuck!

Let me tell you, I am glad that I am not a Northern Dog.  Sure, I enjoy a romp in the snow.  Who wouldn't enjoy playing in the large fluffy flakes for five minutes or so each year?  I'm hoping for an early spring too!Maybe even a month of the white stuff would be good.  December can be the official snow month.  But then the flowers should be allowed to do their thing without having to worry about Mother Nature.

On a different subject, I have to tell you more about Rocky.  My boss ma'am was talking to Oreo's and Misty's boss man today.  She told him about "the incident" just in case Misty and Oreo hadn't told him yet.  Anyway, it turns out that Rocky's misbehavior wasn't just limited to me!

 Apparently, Rocky had "visited" (that is a euphemism for being a bad dog that snuck out of his yard) before.  And guess what the little ankle biter did!  He bit Misty's and Oreo's boss ma'am right in the ankle.  And it was hard enough to make her bleed!!!  Bad, bad, bad, bad dog Rocky.    Well, after hearing that Rocky was "visiting" again, their boss man called animal control on him.  Rocky's bosses need to keep him in his own yard.  They have a fence, but I guess that, being a master criminal and all, he knows how to escape.  Anyway, the animal control officer is going to tell them that Rocky cannot be allowed to visit other people (or dogs!) without being on a leash.  If someone calls to tell the officer when Rocky is being a bad dog  they will put him in the slam.  Rocky's bosses will then have to pay $50 to bail him out.  I sure hope he stays in his own yard, but if not, I hope that the animal control officer teaches him a lesson.

Bad dog Rocky!  Say in your own yard! 

I'll bark at you later.

Little Bit