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Woe is me!You are all invited to my pity party! 

Okay people, fess up!  Someone out there is using black magic on me.  Who else can explain everything that keeps going wrong with me other than someone has a Little Bit voodoo doll.  Let me set the record straight, there are NO officially licensed Little Bit voodoo dolls on the market.  No one (and that includes both of you Pudding and Ron!) should be dabbling in the black arts!  Danger, danger!  Stop what you are doing now before something else happens to me.

So you all know about my recent lymphoma troubles.  Knock on wood, I seem to be in remission (keep your fingers or dewclaws crossed it stays that way).  So thing are going pretty well for me medically speaking.  Then, BAM, something else happens. 

Yesterday evening I was chewing on a little something-something I like to call rawhide.  If you know the Bit at all, you know I LOVE rawhide.  (Yeah baby!)  So, all too soon, the rawhide is gone.  I'm a little sad, naturally, but life goes on.  I always have the next rawhide to look forward to.  So then I get on with the nights snuggling of the boss ma'am (important dog work you know).  After a while it is announced that it is Tooth Brushing Time.  Well, a little chicken flavored toothpaste never hurt anyone as far as I know, so I get first in line. 

Now, in case you are wondering, my teeth have always been in very good shape.  The doctor always comments that my teeth look great when ever I go for a physical exam.  This is in no small part due to my frequent tooth brushings.  Oral hygiene is important people (and dogs)!  Do it often!

So anyway, the boss ma'am starts brushing and OUCH, that really hurt.  So I hightail it out of there (and bump my sweet little head in the process).  The boss ma'am not understanding why I left (as I forgot to tell her the reason of my hasty retreat), comes over to me and we start again.  OUCHY, OUCH, OUCH!  There it was again.  What the heck is going on?

So then the boss man comes to pick me up.  Well, let me tell you, they were very surprised to see that half of one of my molars is missing!  It was broken in half and it was bleeding!  (Sorry boss ma'am, I know you don't like to hear about tooth things-I hope this doesn't give you any bad dreams.)

You can guess where I ended up today.  Now, as I've said before, the people at the Animal Care Clinic are really super.  It is just that I don't think I should have to visit them as often as I have been lately.  So I implore you, please mail me that Little Bit voodoo doll so that I can keep it safely locked away.  I do not need ANY MORE reasons to go to the vets office.  Just mail it anonymously and I won't even have to know who the guilty party is.

Little Bit

P.S.  I am doing very well recovering from anesthesia.  They pulled the molar out so it won't be giving me any more problems.  I hope I don't bark with a lisp or anything now.