morning I had my latest dactinomycin injection. Health wise, I'm pretty
much the same as I was two weeks ago when I had my last injection. The
cancer is there, but it isn't growing fast enough to cause immediate alarm or to
cause my veterinarians to change my regime at this time.
I think this surprises people, even my doctors. They see me and I'm full of energy. I go about my daily business. Take walks. Write journal entries. Bark at the UPS guy. Eat rawhides (well, maybe not as often as I'd like). But all in all, I do normal dog things so they are surprised that I have cancer, or in my doctor's case, that she can see signs of it when I go for a checkup. Personally, I don't know what they think I should be doing. I do my fair share of napping, but I'd bet most nine year old dogs do that even if they are healthy. I'm more of a live life to the fullest kind of dog so if I have the ambition to take a walk, then I tell my bosses to get the leash out. If I'm hungry, I let them know that too.
So, for now at least, I'm going to find a nice sunny spot and relax. Going to the veterinary clinic to get chemotherapy is stressful and a sun spot is the perfect place to relax and put it all behind me. I'll probably feel a little puny once the drug kicks in, but then I'll feel better after that. I'll let you know how it goes.
Well, I'm going to sign off now. I'll bark at you tomorrow.