I've always thought that there was no such thing as "too much of a good thing."
Well, turns out that might not be true.
Also, this morning was WAFFLE morning! Yeah Baby! Followed by a looong walk.
Moving on to another topic, last week I had my last dactinomycin injection. From the first injection, it was clear that it wasn't going to give me a complete response. Sure it helped, but it never put me into remission. Still, it wasn't allowing my lymphoma to get out of hand so my doctors decided that it was worth trying for several doses before giving up on it. So, on to the next drug.
Next on the list is CCNU. CCNU, or lomustine as it is also called, is one of the nitrosoureas used in the treatment of certain neoplastic diseases. It is 1-(2-chloro-ethyl)-3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea. It is a yellow powder with the empirical formula of C 9 H 16 CIN 3 O 2.
So, you might be thinking, if there was another drug that you could try, why did you wait so long? The truth is that I've gone through the drugs with "minimal" side effects. Now with CCNU, the list of side effects gets longer and perhaps more what people first think of when they hear about chemotherapy. Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, hair loss and decreased platelets and white cells. All but the decreased white cells and platelets last only a day or two after my dose, but it will take six to eight weeks for my blood work to get back to normal after each dose so I will be at a much higher risk of infection during that time. I'm not sure yet how often I'll be taking this drug but it is likely that my blood work will not have the chance to fully recover between doses. I still have a lot of questions about CCNU but I expect to have them answered when I go to have my blood work checked on Friday.
Well, not much else new here. I'm off to watch some football.
Have a great afternoon.