like I was saying last time, the boss man had to do a picture for school that
was supposed to be like someone else's work. I said that he was going to
do it like one of William Wegman's Polaroid photographs. I agreed to help,
but once he told us which one he was going to do, I told him "Smell you later"
and so Lyle was stuck with it. In the end, he decided to use Catty (2000)
as his original.
Well, let me tell you, that was not a good day for Lyle. Not only did he have to pose for the picture (Ha Ha), but he had to have a bath to boot! Ha ha ha ha. That will teach him for rolling (well more of a scoot really) in unmentionables.
Well, after that, I thought that photo day was over, but it turns out that Milkbone is having a contest for a new face on their box. Well, I was beautiful. The picture on the right isn't the one we used because of the soft focus on my eyes (the boss says that means out of focus in photo geek speak). Still, I was happy and it shows.
Well, I guess I've put this off long enough. Not everything is happiness in Bit world.
As you know, I have been getting regular bump checks to make sure that the evil cancer hasn't come back. As recent as Monday (July 25, 2005), things have been good.
not good. Not good at all.
Today the boss ma'am found a new bump on my neck. And it wasn't a small one. I did my best to comfort her and the boss man, but they are very worried about me.
Well, the boss man called both of my doctors. After talking to both Dr. Hathorn (my regular veterinarian) and Dr. Harris (my oncologist), it was decided that I need to start back up on the vincristine injections. June 15, 2005 was my last one and it has been a nice break. I really wish that the evil cancer would have stayed away for another twelve or fifteen years but I guess that wasn't realistic. So, I'm off to see Dr. Hathorn for another injection tomorrow. If the bump doesn't go away within a couple of days, then I'll be heading to Cincinnati to visit with Dr. Harris again.
I remember how happy we all were back on June 15, 2005. I remember how we had ice cream. Mmmm, my own bowl of ice cream. I think tomorrow I should get another bowl of ice cream. I hear that ice cream is good for pity parties as well as happy celebrations.
Well, all of this bad news has made me a little sleepy. I'm going to snuggle the boss ma'am now.
* Catty was copied from Mr. Wegman's book Polaroids which was published in 2002.