Bitlit fans, it looks like I am going to have a new sister soon. At least
for a little while.
The boss ma'am's friend from work was called up and is leaving tomorrow to do Uncle Sam's work. Even though it looks like he is only going to be serving in Jacksonville, his pooch can't come with. The boss ma'am is ironing out the final details today, but barring infection, she is probably coming to stay with us later today. If she isn't healthy, the boss ma'am and her friend are going to have to come up with some other plan because in my immunocompromised state, I can't afford to live with an infectious dog. Assuming the best, I am looking forward to teaching her about life in my pack.
I know what is going through your head. Maybe, just maybe, her coming to
live with us is for a larger purpose. Maybe she is coming to join our pack
so that she can be my new bodyguard. The position has gone unfilled for so
long I had given up hope. I saw Puddles again today and that reminded me
against the ever present threat of the D.A.W.G. Pound. I've been seeing a
lot of Rocky lately too.
off, I will teach her to hate Puddles with the same passion that I passed on to
Lyle. After I teach her all about the ring leader, then I will go on to
instruct her about Puddles' right-paw dog, Rocky.
Then, will teach her about the dangers of trying to steal my food.
Oops, I meant to say, I will teach her other important ways of our pack.
For instance, lunch is promptly served at noon and dinner at 5:00 pm. And
how it is imperative that we reminded the bosses of the time starting
anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes before meal time. Also, I will tell her
about how it is only okay to lick a pack-mates bowl after they have
indicated they have completed their meal by walking away.
Also, I will tell her about how if she or Lyle scores some tasty treat from the bosses, that it is customary to share with Little Bit. But that it doesn't actually work the other way around.
will be other lessons of course, but instead of typing on and on and on, perhaps
I'll just write about them as she progresses. Keep your dewclaws crossed
for us. The transition might be difficult for all of us, but in the end,
if it keeps a good dog out of the pound, and especially an older dog, well then,
it will be worth it.
Have a barking good day!
Little Bit