as you know, I've become a big fan of Dogster
lately. Lyle too. We have both made some new buddies.
Nothing wrong with that...
And as you also know, Lyle is making a run for Congress, although,
personally, I don't think he has the attention span to get him through the
November elections but that is besides the point. Still, Lyle lives in a
happy place (his mind) and sharing that happy place is probably a good thing.
But something just happened to him and he just doesn't know what to think.
See, what happened is something he never expected. One of his pup pals, Colby, told his cat Brady about his Congressional run. Lyle has been a big supporter of cats - FOR DINNER! Well, it seems that Brady want to make a deal with Lyle. If Lyle promises to remove cats from his dream menu (he hasn't actually ever tasted one), they Brady would court the cat lobby. After reading the email, Lyle clicked on the link for Brady's page and ever since he has been whining about going over to the "Dark Side." It seems that Lyle had more in common with Brady than he had imagined. Like their mutual love of CHICKEN. Anyway, I think Lyle is going to have to take the afternoon off.
of Lyle for now.
Yesterday I was barking about the possibility of getting a new sister. Well, the picture is a little sharper now. I still haven't met her yet, but in about a week or so, she is going to come stay with us for about a month and a half. It seems that her boss man's son, who she knows and loves, will be able to take care of her while her boss man is away. Except that he will be out of the country for about six weeks. Anyway, it sounds like a good solution. She will get a good "vacation" home and enjoy great companionship (namely me) then she will be able to be back with her pack. I love happy endings.
And now for the moment you have been waiting for...
If there are any evil cells left, Die cancer! Die!
The Prednisone and Leukeran will of course be continuing every other day for a long time (peanut butter baby!) for maintenance. I won't officially be in "remission" until that is done early next year, but I have to say that Dr. Hathorn said that I was doing very well today.
Well, I've already had a big day. All that is left to do is:
And maybe a trip or five outside as I deem necessary.
Thanks again to everyone out there praying for me. I appreciate your support!
Little Bit