Well, I have to say that the week is starting out to be kind of a mixed bag for me. Yesterday was GREAT! The bosses were invited to a birthday party for one of their friends (Oreo's bosses - I've mentioned them before). Well, after they arrived, Oreo's boss ma'am asked "Where are the dogs? We told you they were invited." and she sent the boss man home to get me and Lyle. Well, there were loads of kids so I had a ball. And did I mention there was STEAK!!! Yeah baby!! Not to mention small children holding chips AT MY LEVEL and what I can only assume, were freely offering them to me. It was a good night. Lyle and I were getting a little tired so the boss man brought me home before cake. It didn't look good, but then he made it up to me by bringing some home after the party was over. Definitely a good start to the week.
then today rolls around. As I mentioned before, I was due to start my
latest chemo protocol. An injection of cytarabine and an infusion of
cisplatin. Well, cisplatin is apparently bad for kidneys (and of course cancer
too) so in order to protect me, they infused it smack dab in the middle of a six
hour saline infusion. So aside from the fact that I had to be there waayyy
longer than I wanted to, I received one and a half liters of fluid.
And if 1.5 liters of fluid doesn't sound like a lot, consider that the normal
blood volume for a dog my size (26.4 pounds today) is probably somewhere around
750 milliliters which means that I had about twice my blood volume given to me
today. Now if you know me, you know I don't like to talk about my bodily
functions, but today I'll make an exception. Holy moly did I have to
pee! Fortunately they took me out back every hour. When I came home
I was feeling a little puny but now I'm feeling much, much better.
Tomorrow I have to go back for another cytarabine injection but fortunately,
that will be a quick one and I'll be able to go right back home.
So on another up note, my friend Oreo is here to visit for the week. Us dogs will all enjoy the amazing Kentucky weather that we've been having lately while her pack is done getting rained on by Antonio. My only hope that she doesn't even think about getting up on my side of the bed while she is here.
Well, I had a big day. I'm off to beg for some more turkey before heading to bed. Have a great night!
Peace, out.
Little Bit