Oreo left yesterday after what turned out to be a pretty uneventful week.
Still it ended on a thunderous note when Lyle LOUDLY defended his right to a
sole piece of kibble that was carelessly left on the floor by the boss man.
It sounded quite impressive but it was all just show. Anyway, upon her
departure, Oreo's boss man left us with a little goodie bag filled with fun new
toys. Now I can go either way with most toys. I'll play with them
when I'm in the mood but one of them was kind of intriguing to me.
See the boss ma'am puts her hand inside the toy then eggs me on until I
bite it (and her hand). She thinks it is great. I think, okay, I'm
happy to play along, but if you wanted to get bitten, just hold a bit of steak
between your fingers just higher than I can reach without jumping. No
question I'll get some fingers that way. Mmm, steak. Oh well, I'm
digressing. After Oreo went home, we had some rawhide. Yeah baby!
Oh, and popcorn. Yeah baby!
So then today rolls around (Happy Father's Day (or Boss Man's Day if you prefer). And much to my delight, the boss ma'am suggests that she make me WAFFLES in honor of the holiday. Well, how could I say no. Mmm, waffles. The house smelled good all day! And this time I didn't waste any.
But alas, life needs the bad to balance the good.
Today was bath day. Now I'm clean, soft and sweet smelling (per the bosses). I was happier dirty, hard and stinky. Or whatever the opposite of soft is in this case. I'm not really sure. I just don't understand their fixation on clean dogs.
Well bath day always tires me out so I'm off to take a bit of a nap.
Have a great night.