First of all, I wanted to thank a certain someone (who shall remain nameless, mostly because I don't know who it is yet) for renewing my Dogster Plus membership. I've been trying to figure out why Lyle and I couldn't renew our membership and the only reason that we can figure out is that someone already did it for us. And even though I asked nicely, HQ won't tell me who my friend is. So, since I'm sure you will know who you are when you read this, thank you.
Now, if you don't want to read any bad news, stop reading today's entry and check back tomorrow...
been meaning to write for a while now (yeah, like you've never heard that one
before) but I was unsure what I wanted to say. I certainly didn't want to
be morbid but on the other paw, I didn't want to pretend like everything is
peachy keen either. I've been spending a lot of time (between eating
tasty, tasty things like turkey and fried eggs and dog cookies) pondering
what to bark about. In the end, I decided I couldn't ignore the pink
elephant any longer and I just had to bark what was on my mind.
So you might be thinking, "Little Bit, you always bark what's on your mind" and you'd be right. I just wish I had a happier topic.
The truth is, I'm not responding to my chemotherapy any more. The new protocol that I started on two weeks ago had very little effect and my cancer is growing again. Sadly, there isn't really anything else available to my veterinarian left for me to try. On Wednesday I am going to go back for another injection of l-aspariginase (which has worked for me in the past) but it is a drug that only seems to be effective when given at long intervals and we are afraid that the last dose was too recent. After that, we are going to try prednisone again but that will only help me stay comfortable for a few weeks. The bottom line is that my doctors have pretty much done all they can for me.
I'm sorry that I felt compelled to relay such depressing news. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I plan to write a bit more frequently while I still can. I have been so blessed with such love and friendship in my life that I want to write about that while I am able.
I'll bark at you tomorrow.
Peace, out.
Little Bit