morning everyone. I went to see Dr. Hathorn today and I received my last
every other week vincristine injection today! Now I still have the every
other day prednisone and leukeran (don't be sad for me, they come with peanut
butter) for a long time (next February I think) and I have three more
vincristine injections, but they are spread out now to once a month. Let
me just say, I'm not looking for any excuse to go visit Dr. Hathorn between now
and April 18.
The good news doesn't stop there. Dr. Hathorn couldn't feel any lymph nodes! Not even little ones! And she tells me that Loki (the other dog at the clinic that was diagnosed with lymphosarcoma at the same time as me) is also doing very well. We are the two stars at the clinic. (Yes, of course, I'm the brighter star.)
Unfortunately, she also gave me some bad news. She told me that while Loki and I are both doing very well, she had two other dogs that were diagnosed after us with lymphosarcoma that have passed on. Unfortunately, those dogs and their pack were not able to get the same treatment that Loki and I are getting. I'd like to take a moment of silence for them now...
Back to a happier note, the boss ma'am came home early today. She only had to work for about an hour and a half today. I don't think I have to tell you how happy (very happy) that makes me. She is my favorite boss ma'am in the whole world. Okay, even if she wasn't my only boss ma'am, I'd still love her more than any other. Of course the bad news is that she is on a forty-eight hour call this weekend, but maybe she won't actually have to work very much.
The other thing that I'm so happy about is that it is supposed to be sunny and 62o F this afternoon. I already went for my walk today, but I'm still looking forward to having some great weather for a change!
Well, I had a pretty busy morning and I'm feeling a little sleepy. I'm going to find a nice sun spot and take a little nap.
Little Bit