If you're hungry and you know it, bark real loud.
If you're hungry and you know it, bark real loud.
If you're hungry and you know it, then you're pack should really know it.
If you're hungry and you know it, bark real loud. ♫♪♫♪
Hi all, just a little song that came to me today. No particular reason... Oh wait, that's right, it came to me because I am really hungry today.
Sure you might be thinking to yourself, Little Bit is always hungry.
Sadly, you would be right. Her pack never feeds her enough food.
But today, the grumble seems especially loud from my bella belly.
And desperate times call for desperate measures. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to eat my foot. Don't get me wrong, I'll miss it and all, but if I bark loud enough, I think I can convince my pack to carry me around. After all, they will think that if they had only fed me more, this would never have happened. Of course, if they read this in time, maybe they will get the hint and just FEED ME already. I mean, jeepers, can't they spot me twenty-three minutes? Ooh-ooh, twenty-two minutes. Don't they love me? Woe is me.
Good news everyone! I think that the boss man finally got the message. He is heading in the right direction! Got to go!