The boss ma'am suggested that I talk to you all about the importance of good
oral hygiene today. I know, I know. I've touched on the subject
before (back on February 7, 2005 in case you are just joining me). But
back then I was talking more about how wonderful rawhide (Mmm, rawhide) is for
oral health (I don't blame you, sweet rawhide, for hurting me). Today I'm
going to discuss the importance of brushing your teeth on a regular basis.
First off, if you don't have opposable thumbs (like me), or even if you have them but don't have the coordination to use them, then you need to ask for help. Don't be shy, bark up for help if you need it. Being a part of a pack means that you don't have to do everything yourself (although it would be good if I could be a little more independent - say perhaps learning how to open the refrigerator).
Next, and this is very important, don't go trying to use the alpha dog's toothpaste. Danger! Danger! It is bad for dogs. You would think that poison for dogs is poison for alpha dogs too, but it seems that they have a talent for spitting things out that us dogs haven't quite mastered. Not that we would want to, mind you. I always say, if something tastes good, you should swallow it. But I digress. As I was saying, find a good flavored dog toothpaste (chicken or liver flavored are two excellent choices - Mmm, chicken livers).
you start, it is important that you finish the job.
a spotter here is helpful. You don't want to be distracted by other dogs
lurking around trying to steal your toothpaste. If you are lucky enough to
have two alpha dogs, use one to shoo away any competition. Also, don't be
distracted by any bright flashy things. They don't usually come around
during brushing time, but if they do, just close your eyes.
After that, I don't really have lots of advice.
seems like biting down on the brush when they try to do your molars is a good
idea, but the alpha dogs don't seem to think so. Also, don't forget to do
your tongue. I'm a dog so I know full well where your tongue has
been. Trust me, it needs to be cleaned too!
about it. If you are like me and Lyle, you might
want to make it extra hard to brush the front "baby corns." It is kind of
a fun game.
Well, I hope you enjoyed today's lesson. I've got to run (trash day and all). I'll bark at you later.
Little Bit