folks, I went to see Dr. Hathorn today. It was nice to see her and her
assistant Candy as it has been a month already. Time flies when you don't
have to go to the veterinary clinic! Today was a big one because I thought
that it was going to be my last vincristine injection and also because I was
having a regular six month checkup. Some dogs only go to see their doctor
once a year (or less!). I can't imagine what that must be like.
I thought that today was going to be my last injection, but Dr. Hathorn said
that I had to come back on June 15, 2005 for my last one. As it turns out,
the last every other week injection is not the same as the first once a
month injection. You can see how a small dog like me might have had her
hopes up. Still, all in all, I am feeling very well this evening.
But I can't be too lax! Cancer is the enemy!
Die cancer! Die! I don't like you and I don't ever want you in my
life again!
Also, Dr. Hathorn told us some very bad news. She said that evil lymphosarcoma has struck again since my last visit with her. She told me that she lost another patient to it just two weeks after the initial diagnosis. I feel really bad about that poor dog and its pack. I wish they would have tried treatment though. We told Dr. Hathorn that if anyone else comes in and has lymphosarcoma, that we would be happy to talk to them if they want to know what treatment is like. Again, it made me think how grateful I am that my pack didn't even for a minute consider not treating me. Of course, hind sight is 20-70 as they say (or 20-20 if you are human). If I hadn't responded well to treatment then perhaps I would have had the opposite opinion...
So, getting back to Dr. Hathorn and my physical, she said that I didn't have to get any vaccinations this year because of my chemotherapy. She also said that studies show that those things are good for three years anyway and the Commonwealth of Kentucky finally recognizes that and has eased their requirements accordingly. Still, if you have a doggie cold or something, bugger off until you are feeling better. My immune system isn't at 100% so I have to be extra careful for the time being.
Since my pack had promised me an ice cream cone from
Graeter's after my last injection and I
had had my face all fixed for some ice cream, I was a little disappointed
leaving the clinic today. To help cheer me up, my alpha dogs stopped at
Great Harvest Bread Company.
Well let me tell you, I was in for a pleasant surprise. Guess what they
sell now. No really, guess. That's right! Dog treats.
baby! That doesn't mean they are off the hook for next month, but it makes
me pretty happy in the mean time.
Well, I guess I had a lot to say today. I'll let you know how I'm feeling tomorrow. I was feeling pretty puny after my last injection so I am prepared for the worst tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised.
Have a good night.
Little Bit