I've never even heard of the Chordettes. So how can it be that they are tormenting me so? Are they the ones that are practicing voodoo on me? What else explains it?
For weeks now, on and off, I have had that annoying Lollipop, Lollipop song stuck in my head. I've tried listening to other music. I've even tried singing along to other songs. Still, it keeps coming back to haunt me.
♪♫Lollipop, lollipop
Oh lolli lolli lolli
Lollipop. Lollipop.♪♫
The boss man told me that sometimes the best way to get a song out of your head is to get it stuck in someone else's head.
♪♫Call my baby lollipop
Tell you why
His kiss is sweeter than an apple pie
And when he does his shaky rockin' dance
Man, I haven't got a chance♪♫
Good luck people. I hope you have better luck getting rid of it than I did.
♪♫I call him
Lollipop lollipop
Oh lolli lolli lolli
Lollipop lollipop.....♪♫
I hope you are gone for good.
So, yesterday, of course, was my latest injection in the fight against lymphosarcoma. I was feeling pretty good after my shot and I wondered if maybe today I would feel a little off. Well, let me tell you a little good news. I felt pretty good today. This morning was beautiful. Sunny, in the 60s. Slight breeze. What more could a dog ask for (besides the obvious - food). We went for a walk and it was very pleasant. Before I was feeling good, feeling fine. Afterward, I was a bit tired, but nothing to complain about. All in all, I'm pleased with how my second to last injection went. I'm keeping my dew claws crossed that the next one goes just as well.
much else new in the fascinating World of Bit today. That's okay though.
I wasn't really looking for excitement today. We have had some nice
thunderstorms this afternoon. I'm not one of those dogs that is afraid of
thunder so it has been kind of nice storm watching. In fact, there is
another one on its way.
Well, I realize that I might be rambling, which is a clear sign that I need to sign off for the day. I'll bark at you later.
Little Bit