Okay, I'm officially tired of the "Cancer Story." What I want is to start writing is something more like "Cancer-Free Good Dog Story."
Spooty, Spooty cancer!
maybe I'd write "Annals of Equine Dentistry." I'm thinking that there
might be a lot to write about that.
Or better yet, I could write about the exciting life of Little Bit, cake tester. I could do a daily feature on the kind of cake that I get to eat each and every day. Oh, and I'd do something like a Two for Tuesdays and a Three for Thursdays feature. I can see it now.... My theme song for the series could go something like this... Little Bitlit, rolling down the street. Little Bitlit, all cakes she likes to eat. Little Bitlit, won't you share some cake with me?
But no.
I am destined to write Cancer Story.
Today the boss man was going to call Dr. Hathorn and tell her that I had an enlarged lymph node. Instead, Dr. Hathorn called to say that the biopsy results are in and that they are indeed cancer. It might not sound like much, but we were hoping that the lymph nodes were pushing against the bum causing my trouble instead of the bum being involved in it's own way. It might not mean anything worse for me but one thing is certain, I'll be going back to Milford to see Dr. Harris.
Spooty, Spooty cancer!
The boss man put in a call to her office but they were not able to set up the appointment until Dr. Harris got there so we don't know when I'll be going yet. I'll keep you all informed.
Well, I've got to go now. The boss ma'am wants to clean my ears. Oh, the fun never stops for Little Bit.