Once again I am overwhelmed by the love and support that all of my pup pals have shown me. It isn't that I don't know that they are a great pack of dogs (because I do) it is more really that so many would take a bit of time out of their busy day to say a prayer for me, write me or leave me a rosette. I am really touched. And I haven't even made it to the forums yet to read the notes that I've been told were left for me there. I'm sure they will make me a bit teary-eyed and I am not ready for that.
I'm sure you are wondering what the oncologist had to say. Well, even
though she didn't have any time on her schedule until December 9, 2005, she was
concerned enough that she squeezed me in on Tuesday, November 29, 2005.
Also, as of yesterday, I'm on the hungry-maker again. 20 mg of Prednisone
every day until I see her. Probably. Maybe longer. One thing
is for sure, the bosses had probably better plan on an extra 10 pounds on their
turkey on Thanksgiving just to take care of my needs!
The other thing I thought I'd mention today is that I've decided to grow tusks. Not so much like boar tusks. Maybe more like a rhinoceros' horn. They are small now, but hey, you have to start somewhere.
Well, I'm off now. A dog on prednisone can't really afford to waste a lot of valuable begging time at the computer. Have a great weekend!