ought to be a law. It seems like if you get chemotherapy then you should
have a window of at least twenty-four hours before you are subjected to a
bath. Personally, I'd think that something like one hundred sixty-eight
hours would be even more appropriate.
If ever I deserved a rawhide, I'd think it was tonight after having had such a long week.
Well, I had my last Adriamycin injection yesterday. And if all goes well, I'll never make another trip to Milford, OH. Or at least not to go see Dr. Harris. She is a nice lady and all, she really understands us dogs, but well, you know, I just want to believe that the stupid cancer is dead already. Adriamycin is a big gun in the chemotherapy world. Hopefully it has taken care of business and I am cancer free.
Speaking of Dr. Harris, she said the strangest thing. She was talking
to one of her employees asking if Little Bit was there yet. Then she saw
my bum and said, "Oh there she is - I recognize her butt." Now I know I
have a nice bum and all, but I had no idea that it was so recognizable.
The rest of the appointment went well and afterwards, we went to Culvers as promised to celebrate. It was about eighteen miles out of the way, but those miles were sooo worth it. We sat on the patio so that I could be at the table too. I shared the boss man's Double Deluxe Butter Burger basket (with fries) with him and the boss ma'am's Swiss and Mushroom Butter Burger with fried cheese curds. Then, we shared some Just Drummy flavored frozen custard. Well, Bit fans, if you have only had ice cream before and not had frozen custard (and not that low fat/low calorie stuff Kohr's Brothers try to pass off as frozen custard), then you are missing out. The good news is that at the rate Culvers is expanding, they might be in your city soon. Well, the boss man was rather stingy with his food, but the boss ma'am was so nice. And no Lyle to share with! More for me.
Well, that about wraps it up for the day. I'm off to do a photoshoot.